Installation AROS

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Installation of Free Pascal on a AROS machine

You need:

  • a fully installed AROS
    • i386 ABIv0: Icaros, AEROS, nightly
    • ARM ABIv0/ABIv1: AEROS, nightly
    • x86_64, ABIv1: T100pUAD, nightly (non-SMP)
    • m68k: AROSVision, nightly
  • developer tools (try to type ld in a shell if you get "ld: no input files" then everything is ok) should be included in all major distributions. If not you have to download the nightly ISO or contrib from AROS page extract it and copy the Developer folder to your System:
  • binary release of fpc-aros (i386, ARM, x86_64) or fpc-aros-m68k

Before installing

If you want to install the Free Pascal from the archive and choose not to install it over an existing installation of Free Pascal (as can be found on distributions like Icaros), then you have to make sure the existing installation is 'deactivated'.

You can check where and if an current installation is present by opening a shell and type "which fpc" (without the quotes) and pressing enter. If this prints a result then a current installation of Free Pascal is 'active'. An Installation will deactivate this folder on next reboot, if you want to keep it as fallback you should keep the folder in mind

Easy way (stable version)

An official installer is provided for:


  • You need a Installer
  • Unpack the archive file to a temp folder
  • Start the installer follow instructions
  • Restart AROS

For Experts (trunk version)

Get the trunk package for your AROS version


  • Unpack the archive file to a folder where you like to have the installation
  • Create an assign FreePascal: to the pp folder (for example in s:user-startup)
  • Add the binary location to path (for example in s:user-startup)
    • i386: setpath Freepascal:bin/i386-aros add
    • ARM: setpath Freepascal:bin/arm-aros add
    • x86_64: setpath Freepascal:bin/x86_64-aros add
    • m68k: setpath Freepascal:bin/m68k-amiga add
  • if you do not want to create an assign you can also edit the fpc.cfg and fp.cfg and add your personal path directly there

Compile Free Pascal i386-aros from Source

A very brief description how Free Pascal for i386-aros can be compiled from the source. For the other targets are comparable.

On a AROS i386 machine

Every standard i386 AROS machine is suitable hosted or native, 500 MiB RAM should be available (maybe less will work I never tried) and around 300MiB harddisk space. You need an already installed Free Pascal compiler (see above), because Free Pascal is written in Pascal.

cd fpc
  • navigate to the compiler (in principle you could also start in the top dir, but then you get path problems unix <> amiga style pathes):
cd compiler
  • Compile the compiler. It needs long time because the compiler will be build twice, frist with the "old" already installed fpc and the again with the freshly build fpc
  • make an assign PP: to install the compiler (and later the units as well) for example:
assign pp: dh1:pp
  • Install the compiler, if all went well it can be found in pp:bin/i386-aros
make install
  • As next step we compile an install the rtl so we change to rtl folder compile and install it. The rtl contains very basic functions of Free Pascal without them the compiler is rather useless (at least the system unit is always needed). The units will be installed into pp:units/i386-aros/rtl
cd /rtl
make install
  • Now we have an already useable fpc, but of course we want all the additional packages as well (and the FP-IDE). We compile all the packages. There are some more aros specific in arosunits included. The units will be also installed to pp:units/i386-aros every packages with its own folder.
cd /packages
make install
  • As last point we can compile the FP-IDE and install it. It will also be installed to pp:bin/i386-aros.
cd /ide
make install
  • If you want to compile the fpcmake util (compare 5. Point) navigate to fpcsrc/utils/fpcm then run:
make install
  • If you want save some space you can clean all the compiled objects from the harddisk (or want to force a recompile after changing include files)

change to the directory you want to clean (or to top directory fpc if you want clean all) and run:

make clean

Attention: If you change something in the code you have to compile everything what depends on: For example if you changed something in rtl, you have to clean and compile the packages again or you get magic number errors when you try to use the units from packages.

cd /rtl
make clean install
cd /packages
make clean install

Usually the compiler does not need to be recompiled (with some obvious exceptions, when you fix bugs in compiler/compiler-related rtl code).

Crosscompile from Linux

Docker container

There is a ready to use docker container with Free Pascal and Lazarus

  • Download archive [1]
  • follow instructions inside the archive

Create cross compiler

This section describe how the Free Pascal compiler with all units can be created under a Linux system. This could be important if you start without a working Free Pascal at AROS.

  • A working Linux system (CPU is not important, i386 and x64 tested other platform might work)
  • A Free Pascal compiler for this Linux (atm. Version = 3.2) (e.g. at Ubuntu/Debian apt-get install fpc)
  • You need a the pc-i386-sdk for AROS from the AROS Page
  • Unpack the sdk: (replace the * by the date of the downloaded file) it creates a folder with the name as the file, change into the directory
tar -zvxf AROS-*-pc-i386-sdk.tar.bz2
cd AROS-*-pc-i386-sdk
  • Compile and install the SDK (must be done as root, so change to root or use sudo)
  • Add path to the SDK bin folder
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/aros-sdk/bin/
cd fpc
  • Now everything is set for make the compiler, we choose zipinstall to create directly a packed version fpc-3.3.1.i386-aros.tar.gz
make zipinstall CPU_TARGET=i386 OS_TARGET=aros
  • now you have a complete archive with the AROS Free Pascal compiler with all units and some utilities