LCL status

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Note: fpgui copied from official LCL Roadmap [1]

Status of native controls on each widgetset

Native controls are TWinControl descendants which do not descend from TCustomControl.

Component fpgui MUI/Zune Test
TBitBtn Not Implemented crash
TButton Working partial TestCode[2]
TCalendar Not Implemented crash
TCheckBox Working partial
TCheckGroup Not Implemented Wrong sizes
TCheckListBox Not Implemented Wrong sizes
TComboBox Working partial TestCode[3]
TEdit Working partial
TForm Working partial
TGroupBox Working partial
TIdleTimer Not Implemented unknown
TImageList Not Implemented unknown
TListBox Working partial
TListView Not Implemented partial
TMainMenu Working partial
TMemo Working partial
TMenuItem Working partial
TPageControl and TTabSheet Not Implemented empty
TPairSplitter Not Implemented "Resource Cur2 not found"
TPanel Working partial TestCode[4]
TPopupMenu Not Implemented unknown
TProgressBar Working working TestCode[5]
TRadioButton Working partial
TRadioGroup Not Implemented wrong position
TScrollBar Not Implemented empty
TScrollBox Not Implemented empty
TSpinEdit Not Implemented as TEdit
TSplitter Not Implemented empty
TStaticText Not Implemented partial
TStatusBar Not Implemented crash
TToggleBox Not Implemented partial
TTrackbar Not Implemented crash
TTrayIcon Not Implemented empty

Status of dialogs on each widgetset

Component fpgui MUI/Zune
LCLIntf.MessageBox Working partial
Application.MessageBox, MessageDlg, LCLIntf.PromptUser Working partial
LCLIntf.AskUser Not Implemented partial
TColorDialog Not Implemented unknown
TFontDialog Not Implemented unknown
TOpenDialog Working partial
TPrinterSetupDialog Not Implemented unknown
TSaveDialog Working partial

Status of TCustomControl based controls on each widgetset

Note that being a TCustomControl descendant does not guarantee that a control has no widgetset implementation. TArrow has it, although it has a good default implementation. TNotebook is fully implemented in the LCL.

Component fpgui MUI/Zune
TArrow Not Implemented empty
TNoteBook Not Implemented empty
TUpDown Not Implemented crash
TStringGrid Not Implemented "Canvas does not allow drawing"
TDrawGrid Not Implemented "Canvas does not allow drawing"
TToolBar Not Implemented empty
TTreeView Not Implemented "An abstract method called"
TValueListEditor Not Implemented "Canvas does not allow drawing"

Status of TGraphicControl based controls on each widgetset

Note: These are for LCL wrapped components only, not for the specific GUI toolkit features itself.

Component fpgui MUI/Zune
TBevel Not Implemented empty
TLabel Not Implemented wrong position/Font/color
TShape Not Implemented empty
TSpeedButton Not Implemented crash
TPaintBox Not Implemented empty
TImage Not Implemented empty